H105-21 AKCP Wireless Ultra Cold Temperature Sensor

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Thông tin sản phẩm

PT100 Type Ultra Cold Temperature Sensor
This sensor is suitable for monitoring a wider range of temperatures from -200°C to +150°C (-328°F to 302°F). Used for ultra-cold shipments, such as the mRNA based COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. The Ultra Cold Temperature Sensor is based is an RTD type sensor (Resistance Temperature Detector) made from Platinum. As temperature changes so does the resistance of the metal. This is precisely measured to give a temperature reading. The accuracy of the sensor is ±0.2°C (±0.4°F).

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Sensor Features

  •  4x AA Battery powered, with 10 year life*
  •  USB 5VDC external power.
  •  12VDC external power.
  •  Custom sensor cable length up to 15ft to position sensor in optimal location.

Wireless Ultra Cold Temperature Sensor

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