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C407 Ắc quy Fiamm SD/SDH Series - Hàng chính hãng

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The SD SDH range is is the perfect choice when application requires high power in a short period of time.
The range is constructed to provide a high level of robustness and designed for applications where high energy peaks are needed in a short timeframe. Due to a special low antimony plates design the range offers users the benefit of low maintenance result in improved operating costs. Batteries need topping-up once every three years under normal operating conditions. Furthermore the design is optimized to offer very low self-discharge for long storage period without a refreshing charge. Like all FIAMM lead-acid batteries the SD SDH range is eco-friendly and fully recyclable.

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C406 Ắc quy Fiamm FIT Series - Hàng chính hãng

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FIAMM FIT range of valve regulated batteries has been designed for high reliability and safety front terminal telecom installations.
FIT battery range has front terminal design ideal for installation on cabinet 19” and 23”; it allows easy access for maintenance reducing the installation footprint and maximising the energy density. FIT uses proven VRLA technology with 99% internal recombination efficiency, is non-spillable and maintenance free therefore requires no topping up of electrolyte during its float -life. FIT range is compliant with the highest recognized international standards, non-hazardous for air/sea/rail/road transportation and is 100% recyclable. FIT has a self-discharge rate less than 2% per month, guaranteeing long shelf-life.

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C405 Ắc quy Fiamm FLB Series - Hàng chính hãng

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FIAMM FLB range of valve regulated batteries has been designed to deliver the highest performances whilst combining excellent reliability and float-life.
FLB high energy density allows compact battery layout and footprints, this reducing the installation space. FLB blocs can be installed in cabinets or racks. FLB uses proven VRLA technology with 99% internal recombination efficiency, is non-spillable and maintenance free therefore requires no topping up of electrolyte during its floatlife. FLB range is non-hazardous for air/sea/rail/road transportation and is 100% recyclable. FLB has a self-discharge rate less than 2% per month, guaranteeing long shelf-life.

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C404 Ắc quy Fiamm FHT Series - Hàng chính hãng

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FIAMM FHT range has been design to withstand harsh environmental conditions. Special grid alloy and superior grids design grant 7 years design life at 35°C. FHT range has front terminal design ideal for installation on cabinet 19” and 23”; it allows easy access for maintenance reducing the installation footprint and maximizing the energy density. FHT uses proven VRLA technology with 99% internal recombination efficiency, is non-spillable and maintenance free therefore requires no topping up of electrolyte during its float-life.
FHT range is compliant with the highest recognised international standard, it is non-hazardous for air/sea/rail/road transportation and it is 100% recyclable. FHT has a self-discharge rate less than 2% per month, guaranteeing long shelf-life.


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C403 Ắc quy Fiamm SLA Series - Hàng chính hãng

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FIAMM SLA range of valve regulated batteries has been designed for applications demanding the highest level of reliability and security.
FIAMM high integrity SLA range has been designed for the most critical applications, offering unsurpassed proven reliability, compliant with the highest recognised International Standards. SLA uses VRLA technology with 99% internal recombination efficiency, is non-spillable and maintenance free therefore requires no topping up of electrolyte during its float- life. SLA range is non-hazardous for air/sea/rail/road transportation and is 100% recyclable. SLA has a self-discharge rate less than 2% per month, guaranteeing long shelf-life.

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C402 Ắc quy Fiamm SSLA Series - Hàng chính hãng

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The SSLA battery range has been designed to cover a wide range of applications. the footprint of batteries is also ideal for critical installations. Connection is simple on smaller models sizes thanks to the easy ‘fast-on’ terminals. 
The FIAMM SSLA range has four different product families. Each one is specifically designed to optimise the best solution for the application.
FG designed to meet medium to long discharge rates and with a design life of 5 years. The range is available in 6V or 12V blocks with a capacity range of 1.2 – 70Ah.
FGH designed for maximum performance in critical power applications such as UPS & Data center. The range is available in 12V blocks with a capacity range of 5 - 18Ah.
FGHL classified “long life” according Eurobat industry standard, which means 10 years design life. The range is available with a capacity range of 5 – 12Ah.
FGC an ideal solution for cyclic applications with a design life of 5 years. Range is available from 12 – 42Ah.

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C401 Ắc quy Fiamm FHC Series - Hàng chính hãng

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Fiamm FHC range is specially designed to meet the high cyclic applications requirements. The battery has been developed for demanding applications where the product can be subject to frequent deep or partial discharges. In standard batteries, such usage can shorten the life. FIAMM FHC range has been designed to overcome this problem and increase life.
This range is front terminal designed for easy installation and is ideal for use in 19” and 23” cabinet. It allows for easy access for maintenance, reducing the installation footprint and maximizing the cyclic ability. FHC uses FIAMM’s proven VRLA technology which has a 99% internal recombination efficiency, is non-spillable and maintenance-free therefore requires no topping-up of electrolyte during its float-life.
The FHC range is compliant with the highest recognized international standards and is non-hazardous for air/ sea/rail/road transportation. It is also 100% recyclable and has a self-discharge rate of less than 2% per month: guaranteeing long shelf-life.


  • Telecom
  • Renewable Energy
  • Railways

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C308 Ắc quy Vision REVO Three-phase Series Lithium - Hàng chính hãng

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The REVO series is developed by Vision Group for various UPS products. Lithium batteries of this series use high-rate LFP cells and BMS system developed by Vision Group, and integrates a remote cloud management system and an intelligent fire protection module. These batteries feature high reliability, high stability, long service life, and outstanding safety.


  • Low-power UPS of different brands or other inverter devices
  • Data centers
  • Financial organizations
  • Rail transportation
  • Wind-solar hybrid systems
  • Power backup in areas without mains power supply

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C307 Ắc quy Vision V-LFP48V 5G Series Lithium - Hàng chính hãng

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This series is a distributed base station battery system with an integrated design, which is developed by Vision Group for 5G applications and other scenarios requiring high-current backup batteries. Batteries of this series can be installed on a poll or wall to provide uninterrupted power supply to wireless communication devices in shopping malls, railway stations, airports, parking lots, office buildings, and other buildings.


  • Outdoor small base stations
  • Hotspot coverage in urban areas
  • Wall-mounting or pole-mounting

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C306 Ắc quy Vision REVO Single-phase Lithium - Hàng chính hãng

Liên hệ

The REVO series is developed by Vision Group for various UPS products. Lithium batteries of this series use high-rate LFP cells and BMS system developed by Vision Group, and integrates a remote cloud management system and an intelligent fire protection module. These batteries feature high reliability, high stability, long service life, and outstanding safety.


  • Data centers
  • Computer room of financial organizations
  • Computer room of rail transportation
  • Wind-solar hybrid systems
  • Energy storage in areas without power supply

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C305-5 Ắc quy Vision V-LFP48V100Ah 48V 100Ah Lithium - Hàng chính hãng

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The V-LFP series of lithium battery systems are high-tech products developed by Vision Group. This series has significant advantages as backup batteries for communication equipment, such as high power density, small size, long service life, resistance to high temperature, fast charging and discharging, and modular design.


  • Communications equipment room
  • Outdoor base stations

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C305-4 Ắc quy Vision V-LFP48V50Ah 48V 50Ah Lithium - Hàng chính hãng

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The V-LFP series of lithium battery systems are high-tech products developed by Vision Group. This series has significant advantages as backup batteries for communication equipment, such as high power density, small size, long service life, resistance to high temperature, fast charging and discharging, and modular design.


  • Communications equipment room
  • Outdoor base stations

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C305-3 Ắc quy Vision V-LFP48V40Ah 48V 40Ah Lithium - Hàng chính hãng

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The V-LFP series of lithium battery systems are high-tech products developed by Vision Group. This series has significant advantages as backup batteries for communication equipment, such as high power density, small size, long service life, resistance to high temperature, fast charging and discharging, and modular design.


  • Communications equipment room
  • Outdoor base stations

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C305-2 Ắc quy Vision V-LFP48V20Ah 48V 20Ah Lithium - Hàng chính hãng

Liên hệ

The V-LFP series of lithium battery systems are high-tech products developed by Vision Group. This series has significant advantages as backup batteries for communication equipment, such as high power density, small size, long service life, resistance to high temperature, fast charging and discharging, and modular design.


  • Communications equipment room
  • Outdoor base stations

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C305-1 Ắc quy Vision V-LFP48V10Ah 48V 10Ah Lithium - Hàng chính hãng

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The V-LFP series of lithium battery systems are high-tech products developed by Vision Group. This series has significant advantages as backup batteries for communication equipment, such as high power density, small size, long service life, resistance to high temperature, fast charging and discharging, and modular design.


  • Communications equipment room
  • Outdoor base stations

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C304-6 Ắc quy Ắc quy Vision CT12-140X 12V 140Ah - Hàng chính hãng

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VISION 12V front terminal type battery is mainly used in the field of communication, which is new in design, reasonable in structure and occupying the leading position in the same industry of the world.

As with previous INTELEC (International Telecommunications Energy) conferences, many people were concerning about the life and durability of VRLA batteries which can be employed in numerous applications in the fields of communications. In order to ensure that the power supply is guaranteed at tall times, essential facilities are backed up with high performances battery systems. Sudden breaks in the power supply are not a problem any longer. If the power suddenly fails, battery systems will take over the emergency supply of power instead.

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C304-5 Ắc quy Vision CT12-125X 12V 125Ah - Hàng chính hãng

Liên hệ

VISION 12V front terminal type battery is mainly used in the field of communication, which is new in design, reasonable in structure and occupying the leading position in the same industry of the world.

As with previous INTELEC (International Telecommunications Energy) conferences, many people were concerning about the life and durability of VRLA batteries which can be employed in numerous applications in the fields of communications. In order to ensure that the power supply is guaranteed at tall times, essential facilities are backed up with high performances battery systems. Sudden breaks in the power supply are not a problem any longer. If the power suddenly fails, battery systems will take over the emergency supply of power instead.

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C304-4 Ắc quy Vision CT12-105X 12V 105Ah - Hàng chính hãng

Liên hệ

VISION 12V front terminal type battery is mainly used in the field of communication, which is new in design, reasonable in structure and occupying the leading position in the same industry of the world.

As with previous INTELEC (International Telecommunications Energy) conferences, many people were concerning about the life and durability of VRLA batteries which can be employed in numerous applications in the fields of communications. In order to ensure that the power supply is guaranteed at tall times, essential facilities are backed up with high performances battery systems. Sudden breaks in the power supply are not a problem any longer. If the power suddenly fails, battery systems will take over the emergency supply of power instead.

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C304-3 Ắc quy Vision CT12-100X 12V 100Ah - Hàng chính hãng

Liên hệ

VISION 12V front terminal type battery is mainly used in the field of communication, which is new in design, reasonable in structure and occupying the leading position in the same industry of the world.

As with previous INTELEC (International Telecommunications Energy) conferences, many people were concerning about the life and durability of VRLA batteries which can be employed in numerous applications in the fields of communications. In order to ensure that the power supply is guaranteed at tall times, essential facilities are backed up with high performances battery systems. Sudden breaks in the power supply are not a problem any longer. If the power suddenly fails, battery systems will take over the emergency supply of power instead.

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C304-2 Ắc quy Vision CT12-80X 12V 80Ah - Hàng chính hãng

Liên hệ

VISION 12V front terminal type battery is mainly used in the field of communication, which is new in design, reasonable in structure and occupying the leading position in the same industry of the world.

As with previous INTELEC (International Telecommunications Energy) conferences, many people were concerning about the life and durability of VRLA batteries which can be employed in numerous applications in the fields of communications. In order to ensure that the power supply is guaranteed at tall times, essential facilities are backed up with high performances battery systems. Sudden breaks in the power supply are not a problem any longer. If the power suddenly fails, battery systems will take over the emergency supply of power instead.

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C304-1 Ắc quy Vision CT12-50X 12V 50Ah - Hàng chính hãng

Liên hệ

VISION 12V front terminal type battery is mainly used in the field of communication, which is new in design, reasonable in structure and occupying the leading position in the same industry of the world.

As with previous INTELEC (International Telecommunications Energy) conferences, many people were concerning about the life and durability of VRLA batteries which can be employed in numerous applications in the fields of communications. In order to ensure that the power supply is guaranteed at tall times, essential facilities are backed up with high performances battery systems. Sudden breaks in the power supply are not a problem any longer. If the power suddenly fails, battery systems will take over the emergency supply of power instead.

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C303-17 Ắc quy Vision HFS12-820WS-X 12V 220Ah - Hàng chính hãng

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The new VISION HP/HF series batteries are specially designed for applications where need high power output. By optimum design of battery grids and plate paste formula, the HP/HF series can deliver up to 40% more power than VISION standard CP/FM series.

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C303-16 Ắc quy Vision HFS12-420WR-X 12V 100Ah - Hàng chính hãng

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The new VISION HP/HF series batteries are specially designed for applications where need high power output. By optimum design of battery grids and plate paste formula, the HP/HF series can deliver up to 40% more power than VISION standard CP/FM series.

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C303-13 Ắc quy Vision HF12-1010W-X 12V 210Ah - Hàng chính hãng

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The new VISION HP/HF series batteries are specially designed for applications where need high power output. By optimum design of battery grids and plate paste formula, the HP/HF series can deliver up to 40% more power than VISION standard CP/FM series.

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